President Barrow Meets Gambians in Guinea-Bissau

State of The Gambia, 8th July 2023: Following his arrival in Bissau on Saturday evening, ahead of the ECOWAS Summit, President Adama Barrow met with Gambians in Guinea Bissau at a local Hotel to discuss national issues.

Speakers took turns thanking the President for the infrastructure development back in The Gambia. They called on his government to assist them with documentation, such as birth certificates and Diaspora voting, and support business people, especially those trading between Bissau and Banjul.

Representatives of the Gambian Association in Bissau, Ansuman Manneh, Lamin Jammeh, Aja Safiatu Keita and Lamin Bojang, all commended the Ambassador, H.E Amie Fabureh for supporting and empowering their Association of Gambians in Guinea Bissau established in the 70s.

While responding to their concerns, President Barrow thanked them for the significant turnout to welcome him. He promised that his government would look into the possibility of mass-processing of their national documents. On Diaspora voting, he informed the gathering that the logistics for Diaspora voting have to be within a legal framework, including Gambians living abroad in Africa and beyond, which has heavy financial and

logistical arrangements.

On the call to support the women farmers in Bissau, President Barrow pledged to help them to plough the land provided to them. He further announced that he would provide five thousand Euros to the Association.

The Gambian leader used the opportunity and urged public servants and technicians to be patriotic in serving the people.

The Gambian Association also presented certificates of Merit to former Ambassadors who served in Bissau, Excellences, Late Alieu K Jammeh, Late Lamin Jobe, former Ambassadors Cherno Barra Touray and Mass Axi Gaye.

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